First things first

I'm Pregnant!! Now what?

  1.  Don’t panic  you’ve got this, or panic, but know that it it will not help.
  2. Take a prenatal vitamin if you don’t want to get prenatal vitamins any womans one a day vitamin will do.  
  3. If you live in the Pacific Northwest make sure your Vitamin has Vitamin D in it, or take an additional Vitamin D
  4. Check to see if your vitamin has DHA  (Omega-3/ fish oils are the same).  If it does not, add that into your daily vitamin regime too
  5. Exercise 20 minutes every day, this decreases your risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and the risk of C-section.  -fast walking counts, chasing kids, or doing shopping, does not
  6. Eat more vegetables
  7. Know that you have at least a 15% chance of a misarrange.  Our bodies are amazing; please remember that there are thing worse than loosing a baby in the first 12 weeks
  8. If you have questions, have had a miscarriage, if you want early conformation,  if you have medical problems or have questions about medications you can come in and talk to us now.  Otherwise your first appointment should be after you are 9 weeks along.   In Tillamook call 503-815-2100 to schedule. 

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